This workshop is “Web Developer Toolbox”, which will introduces you the common tools for web developer: VS Code, Git/GitHub, and Chrome DevTools.
This Workshop Covers
- tips/technique when using VS Code to be productive as a Web Developer
- introduction to source control system, particularly Git, and the common workflow when using Git with GitHub
- tips/technique when using Chrome DevTools to debug your web page
What is Expected of You
- do the exercise
- ask questions
- help others
About This Site
Few things to be aware while going through this website:
- You can use the toggle at top right to switch to Dark mode if you wish.
- You can add comment by using the “Add Comment” button at bottom, which will allows you to create issue in repo for this site with specific title and label. Feel free to use the comment to ask question if you have question on specific topic, during or after the workshop.
- This site is created for this workshop, and will be always available online (except if Netlify shuts down). Feel free to share this with anyone that you think would benefits from this.