Apr 9, 2019

Creating a Simple Event Bus

If you’re developing for a web application with frontend consists of multiple smaller apps, a common use case that you may need is to coordinate between those apps.

To do that, you may be thinking of using a state management library or pub-sub library to coordinate them, but if you’re just thinking of simple coordination, including a third-party library might be overkill.

In fact, that’s what happened to me in work recently. So instead of using another library, I decided to write a simple event bus.


const eventBus = createEventBus();
// eventBus is an object with two methods: `subscribe` and `publish`.

const unsub = eventBus.subscribe(function (ev) {

// -> this will cause 'hello' being logged


eventBus.publish('hello again');
// -> this will not be logged because no more subscriber


function createEventBus() {
  const subscribers = [];

  function subscribe(subscriber) {

    return function unsubscribe() {
      subscribers.splice(subscribers.indexOf(subscriber), 1);

  function publish(event) {
    subscribers.forEach((subscriber) => {
      try {
      } catch (e) {

  return {

26 lines of code.

How It Works: Closure

If Javascript is new to you, the implementation may confuse you. No class? And what’s this function within function, and returns the functions?

The key to understand how the implementation works is the concept of closure in Javascript.

Closure is the ability of function to access the variable where the function is declared.

Because of closure, subscribe function has the access to subscribers array even though it has been returned by the createEventBus function. Therefore, subscribe function is able to push a new item to the subscribers array.

Similarly, publish function has the access to subscribers array as well, thus it can loop through it and call every single subscriber in the subscribers array.

Also because of closure, unsubscribe function has the access to subscriber that’s provided as parameter of subscribe function, thus it can use it to remove it from subscribers array.

A Simpler Example Using Closure

If the example above is too confusing, especially if closure is a new concept to you, let’s see another simple example.

function createCounter(initialCount, step) {
  let count = initialCount;
  function increment() {
    count += step;
  function decrement() {
    count -= step;
  function getCount() {
    return count;
  return {

const counter = createCounter(0, 2);
console.log(counter.getCount()); // 4
console.log(counter.getCount()); // 2

const counter2 = createCounter(100, 200);
console.log(counter2.getCount()); // 500

Further Reading

I’ve discussed closure in more details in this lesson of the JavaScript: The React Parts workshop.

Thanks for reading!

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